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Welcome to
Smooth Skin Lounge


CoolSculpting, Dermal Fillers, Skin Rejuvenation, Medical Spa

In Beverly Hills near Santa Monica, West Hollywood & Surrounding Los Angeles Area.

At Smooth Skin Lounge, we specialize in cosmetic treatments such as Botox®, facial fillers and body contouring with CoolSculpting. Our goal is to provide guests with an affordable, yet luxury experience. Led by a nationally certified trainer for Botox® and the Juvederm® family of dermal fillers, our team of experts is trained and licensed to deliver customized treatments for the most effective, consistent results possible.

laughing woman

Safe, Dramatic Results

Smooth Skin Lounge Med Spa in Beverly Hills  is recognized as the #1 medical spa in Beverly Hills and the greater Southern California area. We have received numerous industry awards and have performed 100,000+ medical procedures over the past 10 years.

From our passionate staff, our cutting-edge technology, and our warm and caring patient service, we offer safe, dramatic results. Contact us today to schedule a free private consultation with a member of our skilled team.


We’re experts at what we do! We are recognized as a “Black Diamond” provider of Allergan® products, this designation is only given to the top 1% of all medical practices in the U.S. Our staff is a nationally certified trainer for Allergan® (Botox® Juvederm® portfolio of dermal fillers) and we are a “certified” CoolSculpting® practice.


Prepare to experience luxury, and the best part is, our treatments are quick, so you can visit us on your lunch break! When you visit us, it won’t feel like you’re in a doctor’s office, you’ll feel like you’re at a boutique hotel.


Our membership program is super convenient! It enables our patients to look their best and have treatments on a regular basis. On a budget? No problem, we have the plan for you.

Smooth Skin Lounge

9400 Brighton Way
STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Hours of Operation

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

9400 Brighton Way ste 201, Beverly Hills, CA, USA